如何使用CLI 設定 F5 root/admin 的密碼?
# tmsh
(tmos)# modify auth password root
changing password for root
new password:
confirm password:
(tmsh0) # modify auth password admin
changing password for admin
new password:
confirm password:
new password:
confirm password:
如果不能登入F5 忘記密碼 如何做 Password Recovery ?
1) Reboot using front panel keys
2) Following this link to boot into single user mode https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/4000/100/sol4178.html
3) Do the following
sh-3.2# passwdChanging password for user root.New BIG-IP password:Retype new BIG-IP password:Changing password for user root.passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.sh-3.2# rebootINIT: Sending processes the TERM signal